Android Auto offers easy navigation and voice control

Judging from the onstage demonstration given of the new Android Auto integration system given by Google at its I/O 2014 developer conference, Android users can expect an easy, smooth navigation experience. Other features include music playback and messaging, with a potential for many more apps to come from third-party developers.
Android Auto has nothing to do with embedding an Android operating system in a car's dashboard. Rather, it uses the phone as the computing platform, and the car's LCD and controls as the interface. To integrate with the car, a driver will need to plug an Android phone in to the car's USB port, and pair it through Bluetooth.
Most of the features will be controlled through Google Voice, with voice command processing done by your phone. Instead of an icon-based interface, as CarPlay uses, Android Auto relies on panels of what it considers relevant information. There are icons at the bottom of the screen, however, working as shortcuts to navigation, phone, and audio.

Google sat-nav

The most successful feature of Android Auto appears to be navigation, traditionally Google's strong suit. Using a voice command activated from a button in a car, the demonstrator asked Google Voice for the opening hours of the de Young Museum here in San Francisco. After Voice replied through the car's speakers, the demonstrator simply had to say "navigate there" to bring up Google Maps with turn-by-turn directions to an edifying afternoon of fine art.
The maps and directions, calculated in the cloud and received by the Android phone, showed up on the car's LCD.


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