Top 5 android apps for teaching kids coding skills

This post is a response to the repeated requests we keep receiving from teachers asking for suggestions on the best Android coding apps out there. Admittedly, the iOS app store has a richer and more diversified variety of good coding apps that are not available in Google Play app store (e.g Hopscotch, Code Academy, Daisy the Dinosaur to mention a few). However, the list below embeds some really great alternatives to use on Android. Using these apps students and kids will get to learn coding skills while engaging in funny and enjoyable games and activities.

1- Tynker- Learn to Code

“Learn to program with puzzles and easily build your own games. No internet connectivity required. Start by solving coding puzzles. Additional puzzle levels available as in-app purchases. Easily build games using Tynker Workshop, with themed graphics, 10 game-kits and 10 animated characters to inspire imaginative games and stories. Plus, new classroom management features for teachers via”

2- Ligthbot- One Hour Coding

“Get kids hooked on coding within minutes! Lightbot is a programming puzzle game, meaning that its game mechanics require the use of programming logic to solve levels. By simply guiding a robot to light up tiles to solve levels, players cultivate a real understanding of procedures, loops, and conditionals; core concepts to Computer Science. Perfect for guys and girls alike: you can play as Boybot or Girlbot!”

3- Run Marco

“Kids play an epic adventure game and have fun while learning to code i.e. program computers. They use visual instructions to guide Marco through a series of levels as he tries to discover himself. In this journey kids will learn how to think as a professional developer one step at a time!”

4- Hakitzu Elite

“Become the ultimate code warrior and hack your friends with Hakitzu Elite from Kuato Studios. An epic, robot combat game, where you learn the basics of coding while battling customizable robots in both multiplayer and singleplayer missions. Victory is in the code!”

5- TinyTap

“TinyTap is an excellent app that allows kids and students to easily create fun educational games and share them with others. TinyTap provides a great way for kids to develop their creative thinking and problem solving skills while engaging in creating and playing interactive games.”


created by two brothers Dipranil chakraborty and Vishal Ghosh, All types of latest technology and science related news are available here.

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